
General Information

University Safety Office (USO) is to assist CUHK to provide a safe environment in which to study and to work.
Occupational Safety and Health Resources in CUHK 中文大學的職業安全與健康資訊

As occupational health and safety of all members of the University is an essential element to cultivate the positive working environment, University Safety Office (USO) provides safety information and trainings for a variety of workplaces such as offices, laboratories and workshops etc. to promote safety awareness in the campus.   中大關注每位中大成員的工作安全與健康,職安健亦是建立正向工作間的重要原素。大學安全事務處提供職安健資訊及訓練予不同工作間的成員,包括辦公室、實驗室、工場等,以推動校園校園安全意識。

Safety Manual and Guidelines 安全手冊及指引 (access via CUHK log-in) :

The safety manual and guidelines for laboratories and for workplaces that involve the use of computers as well as hazardous materials such as chemicals are available at  從下列連結 (可找到為實驗室及工作間提供及指引安全手冊,當中包括安全使用電腦設備及處理危險化學品:  Laboratory Safety Manual

Booklets on office safety and on laboratory safety are also available for distribution to colleagues.  大學安全事務處亦有提供有關辦公室安全及實驗室安全等不同類型的小冊子供部門 / 單位分發給同事閱讀。

Safety Training 安全訓練:

Various occupational safety and health training courses and talks are organized by USO. Related staff members are encouraged to participate 大學安全事務處會安排各類型的職安健課程及講座,鼓勵有需要同事參與,了解更多工作間職安健訊息:  Safety Training 

Safety Advices 安全建議:

Departments/Units may need to consult various offices regarding safety of their activities. Section 4 of the Safety Policy of The University will show you these offices. 各部門 / 單位就其舉辦之活動可能需要向不同辦事處咨詢有關安全方面的建議,大學《工作安全政策》第四節已列明各辦事處所負責之範疇。大學《工作安全政策》可參考下列網址:  Contents of the Safety Policy 

USO also acts as advisory unit on statutory requirements related to safety and health issues and helps departments/units in their efforts to enhance safety and health. In case you need safety advices on your workplace, please feel free to contact us  大學安全事務處提供職安健事宜法定要求的咨詢服務,協助各部門 / 單位促進工作間的安全與健康。如有需要就您們的工作間提供安全意見,請隨時與我們聯絡:

Telephone 電話: 39437958
Email 電郵: uls@cuhk.edu.hk
For more detail on the CUHK safety requirements and guidelines, please visit 請參閱中文大學的安全須知和指引以得到更詳細的資料 :大學安全事務處 University Safety Office, CUHK
Laboratory Safety 實驗室安全

Laboratory safety is key component in a health and safety campus. USO provide guidelines, trainings, and information to assist in achieve the goal. 

These procedures / guidelines (access via CUHK log-in) have been initially prepared by the joint efforts of the Safety Advisory Committees (SAC) and the University Safety Office. As users you are invited to provide your input. Subject to the input received the procedures / guidelines will then be further reviewed by the respective SAC and major changes presented to the Committee on Safety for endorsement. Here's are list for reference, details please visit the corresponding webpages for more: 

Laboratory Safety Manual 

Laboratory Safety Training 

Laboratory Design - Safety and Legislation Concerns

    • Laboratory / Workshop and Site Safety Clearance
    • Reference Data for General Laboratory Design
    • General consideration for Designing Laboratories involving Radiation
    • Laboratory designs must be sent to USO for basic approval
    • Annual Testing of Biosafety Cabinets and Fume Cupboards
    • Fire Services Department Requirement for Handling, Using and Storage of Cat. 2 DG (Gas Cylinders)
    • Chemicals and biological agents related to the manufacturing of Chemical & Biological Weapons

Chemical purchase,  waste, and others

    • Guideline for Purchasing Chemicals / Biological Materials / Radioactive Substances / Irradiating Apparatus
    • Use of Neurotoxins or Cytotoxic Substances in Animals
    • Safe Use of Centrifuge in Laboratories
    • Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and Chemwatch
    • How to Search MSDS and How to Generate Chemical Labels
    • Laboratory CAUTION warning signs / Chemical labels
    • Chemical Waste Collection Service
Following are some general safety information mainly provided by the HK Government or related organisations 以下為香港政府部門和其他有關機構提供的安全資訊: .
  • Safety Legislation 安全法例
  • Office Safety
(Hard copies [CUHK edition] is available in the University Safety Office)
  • Fire Safety 防火安全
Mission and Policy
Managing Safety
General Information
Dangerous Goods Management
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