Emergency response 

CUHK Emergency Response Guide 緊急事故應變指引

Emergency Response Guide
Emergency Response Guide

MEDICAL EMERGENCY: Immediate Procedures

  • Remain Calm.
  • Initiate lifesaving measures if required.
  • Do not move injured person unless there is danger of further harm.
  • Keep injured person warm.
  • Call security (39437999) for Emergency Response.


  • 保持鎮定
  • 如有需要,對傷者進行急救
  • 除非將面臨危險,千萬不可移動傷病者
  • 保持傷病者溫暖
  • 致電保安組 (39437999)

MAJOR INCIDENT: Immediate Procedures

  • Attend to injured or contaminated persons and remove them from exposure.
  • Alert people in the immediate area to evacuate.
  • Call security for Emergency Response.
  • Close doors to affected area.
  • Have person knowledgeable of incident and laboratory assist emergency personnel.


  • 安慰傷者或受感染者,把他們撤離現場
  • 立即疏散在場人士
  • 通知保安組
  • 把受影響場地的門關上
  • 等待救援人員到達,及提供事故資料


Emergency Cases




Emergency Call



Fire 火警 

Medical Emergency 緊急醫療護理

Security Office 保安組

39437999 (anytime 24小時)

999 Police Emergency hotline 


999 (anytime 24小時)

FSD emergency ambulance service

消防處 – 救護車調派中心

27353355 (anytime 24小時)

University Medical Service Office (UMSO)


39436422  (Office Hours 辦公時間)

Major Biological Spill 生物物品泄漏

Major Chemical Spill 化學物品泄漏

Major Radiation Spill 輻射泄漏

Security Office 保安組

39437999 (anytime 24小時)

University Safety Office 大學安全事務處

39437958 (Office Hours 辦公時間)




Notes and Precautions: Small fires can be extinguished without evacuation. However, an immediate readiness to evacuate is essential in the event the fire cannot be controlled. Fire extinguishers should be used only by trained personnel. Never enter a room that is smoke filled. Never enter a room containing a fire without a backup person. Never open a door if the top half of the door is warm to touch.

注意事項: 撲滅小型火警可以無須疏散,但應留意撤離途徑。當火警在不受控制時,必須立刻撤離。所有滅火用具只供曾受訓人士使用。切勿進入充滿濃煙的房間。在沒有其他人的支援下切勿進入火場。若感到門身或門鎖溫暖時,切勿開啟。

Small Fire

  • Alert people in laboratory and activate alarm.
  • Smother fire or use correct fire extinguisher.
  • Aim extinguisher at base of fire.
  • Always maintain accessible exit.
  • Avoid smoke or fumes.


  • 呼喊以知會在場人士撤離
  • 弄鳴警鐘及通知保安組 (39437999)
  • 使用正確滅火工具撲熄火種
  • 時常保持接近出口,預備撤離
  • 避免吸入煙霧

Major Fire

  • Alert people in area to evacuate.
  • Activate nearest fire alarm
  • Close doors to confine fire.
  • Evacuate to safe area or exit building through stairwell; do not use elevator. (lift)
  • Call Fire Emergency Response number 39437999
  • Have person knowledgeable of incident and laboratory assist emergency personnel.


  • 呼喊以知會在場人士撤離
  • 關閉實驗室門
  • 弄鳴警鐘及通知保安組 (39437999)
  • 利用樓梯撤離至安全的地方,切勿使用升降機
  • 等待救援人員到達,提供有關事故資料



Notes and Precautions: Spreading of radiation beyond the spill area can easily occur by the movement of personnel involved in the spill or cleanup effort. Prevent spread by confining movement of personnel until they have been monitored and found free of contamination. A minor radiation spill is one that the laboratory staff is capable of handling safely without the assistance of safety and emergency personnel. All other radiation spills are considered major.

注意事項: 防止人為的輻射擴散,限制所有有關人士的活動範圍,直至他們經檢查後,方可離開現場。小型輻射泄漏是指實驗室工作人員的支援下能夠獨自處理的事故。其他的輻射泄漏都屬大型事故。


Minor Radiation Spill

  • Alert people in immediate area of spill.
  • Notify Radiation Protection Officer.
  • Wear protective equipment, including safety goggles, disposable gloves, shoe covers, and long-sleeve lab coat.
  • Place absorbent paper towels over liquid spill. Place towels dampened with water over spills of solid materials.
  • Using forceps, place towels in plastic bag. Dispose in radiation waste container.
  • Monitor area, hands, and shoes for contamination with an appropriate survey meter or method. Repeat cleanup until contamination is no longer detected.


  • 通知在場人士及安全聯絡員
  • 通知大學安全事務處
  • 穿著安全裝備,包括安全眼罩,手套,鞋套及保護外衣
  • 用吸收物料(如紙巾)控制泄漏液體的蔓延
  • 用濕毛巾覆蓋在固體的泄漏物品上
  • 利用鑷子,把手巾等物放進膠袋內,並棄置在輻射廢物容器裏
  • 利用適當的檢察儀器或方法,去檢查人、衣服及地方,有否受污染。重覆清洗直至污染物確定已被除去


Major Radiation Spill

  • Attend to injured or contaminated persons and remove them from exposure.
  • Alert people in the laboratory to evacuate.
  • Have potentially contaminated personnel stay in one area until they have been monitored and shown to be free of contamination.
  • Call Security and University Safety Office.(39437999 & 39437958)
  • Close doors and prevent entrance into affected area.
  • Have person knowledgeable of incident and laboratory assist emergency personnel.


  • 安慰傷者或受污染者,將他們撤離
  • 通知實驗室內的人撤離
  • 集合所有可能已被污染者,等待輻射安全主任指示
  • 致電保安組, 大學安全事務處 (39437999 及 39437958)
  • 把門關上及禁止任何人士進入
  • 等待救援人員到達,及提供有關事故資料

Notes and Precautions: Biological spills outside biological safety cabinets will generate aerosols that can be dispersed in the air throughout the laboratory . These spills can be serious. The laboratory should not be reentered to decontaminate and clean up the spill for at least 30 minutes. During this time the aerosol will be settled by stopping the exhaust air ventilation system. Appropriate protective equipment is particularly important in decontaminating spills involving microorganisms that require BSL 2 containment. This equipment includes lab coat with long sleeves, back-fastening gown or jumpsuit, disposable gloves, disposable shoe covers, and safety goggles and mask or full face shield. Use of this equipment will prevent contact with contaminated surfaces and protect eyes and mucous membranes from exposure to splattered materials.

注意事項: 在操作箱以外的泄漏,可產生懸浮微粒,散播於實驗室中。因此,實驗室須要被封閉最少三十分鐘,關閉通風系統以沉降污染物或懸浮微粒。注意 BSL 的要求,使用適當的保護裝備:包括保護外套,手套,鞋套,安全眼罩及面罩,方可防止眼睛和黏膜受感染。


Spill Involving a Microorganism Requiring BSL 1 Containment

  • Wear disposable gloves.
  • Soak paper towels in disinfectant and place over spill area.
  • Place towels in plastic bag for disposal.
  • Clean spill area with fresh towels soaked in disinfectant.

BSL1 微泄漏的處理程序

  • 穿上手套
  • 用濕滿消毒藥水的紙巾等,覆蓋泄漏的地方數分鐘
  • 將紙巾放進印有 Biohazard/生物危害 字樣的紅色膠袋


Spill Involving a Microorganism Requiring BSL 2 Containment

  • Alert people in immediate area of spill.
  • Put on protective equipment.
  • Cover spill with paper towels or other absorbent materials.
  • Carefully pour a freshly prepared 1 in 10 dilution of household bleach around the edges of the spill and then into the spill. Avoid splashing.
  • Allow a 20-minutes contact period.
  • Use paper towels to wipe up the spill, working from the edges into the center.
  • Clean spill area with fresh towels soaked in disinfectant.
  • Place towels in a plastic bag and decontaminate in an autoclave.

BSL2 微生物泄漏的處理程序

  • 通知在場所有人及安全聯絡員
  • 穿上保護裝備
  • 以紙巾或其他吸收物料蓋著泄漏的地方
  • 以家用漂白水浸洗泄漏的地方二十分鐘,並避免污染物飛濺
  • 用毛巾等吸收泄漏物,由邊緣向中間做起
  • 再以消毒藥水徹底清洗現場
  • 所有沾有污染物的物品必須經過消毒,如高溫消毒


Additional Site Instructions:
See Laboratory Safety Manuel, Biosafety BS Section 4 Treatment of Spill in Cabinets and BS Section 7 Clean up of Microbiological Spills.

見實驗室安全手冊 - 生物安全的第 3.4 節,操作箱的消毒處理和第 3.7 節清理微生物的洩漏


Notes and Precautions: The range and quantity of hazardous substances used in laboratories require preplanning to respond safely to chemical spills. The cleanup of a chemical spill should only be done by knowledgeable and experienced personnel. Spill kits with instructions, absorbents, reactants, and protective equipment should be available to clean up minor spills. A minor chemical spill is one that the laboratory staff is capable of handling safely without the assistance of safety and emergency personnel. All other chemicals spills are considered major. 

Ensure MSDS is available and understood!

注意事項: 在實驗室內所有有害物質的儲存數量及擺放情況,必須預先計劃,以免泄漏時發生劇烈的反應。處理化學物品泄漏的工作,必須由有經驗及擁有有關知識人士進行。處理泄漏應備有:吸收劑或物料、中和劑、個人安全裝備及使用指南等裝備。小型的化學物品泄漏是指實驗室工作人員可以安全地及在沒有其他緊急及安全人員的支援下自行處理的事故。而其他的化學物品泄漏則屬大型事故。處理泄漏前必需閱讀及明白物料安全單張 (MSDS) 的內容。



Minor Chemical Spill

  • Alert people in immediate area of spill.
  • Wear protective equipment, including safety goggles, gloves, and protective clothing, etc.
  • Avoid breathing vapors from spill.
  • Confine spill to small area.
  • Use appropriate kit to neutralize and absorb inorganic acids and bases. Collect residue, place in container, and dispose as chemical waste.
  • For other chemicals, use appropriate kit or absorb spill with vermiculite, dry sand, or diatomaceous earth. Collect residue, place in container and dispose as chemical waste.
  • Clean spill area with water.


  • 通知所有在泄漏現場的人及安全聯絡員
  • 穿著安全裝備,包括安全眼罩,手套及保護外衣
  • 避免吸入泄漏物品所發出的煙霧或蒸氣
  • 防止泄漏擴散
  • 處理無機酸或鹼,可用中和法,然後用吸索物料清理現場,並收集在容器中,然後作化學廢料般棄置
  • 其他的化學品,可利用乾沙或其他適合的吸收劑處理,然後用容器收集,作化學廢料般棄置
  • 用水清洗地方


Major Chemical Spill

  • Attend to injured or contaminated persons and remove them from exposure.
  • Alert people in the laboratory to evacuate.
  • If spilled material is flammable, turn off ignition and heat sources.
  • Call University Safety Office (39437958) and Security Office.(39437999)
  • Close doors to affected area.
  • Have person knowledgeable of incident and laboratory assist emergency personnel.


  • 安慰傷者或受污染者,把他們撤離現場
  • 通知實驗室內的人撤離
  • 如泄漏物屬易燃類,必須把所有火源關上
  • 致電保安組及大學安全事務處(39437999 及 39437958)
  • 把門關上及禁止任何人士進入現場
  • 等待救援人員到達及提供有關事故資料
Clothing on Fire
  • Roll person around on floor to smother flame, or drench with water if safety shower is immediately available.
  • Obtain medical attention, if necessary.
  • Report incident to supervisor.

Radiation Spill on Body

  • Remove contaminated clothing.
  • Rinse exposed area thoroughly with water.
  • Obtain medical attention, if necessary.
  • Report incident to supervisor and Radiation Safety Officer.

Chemical Spill on Body

  • Flood exposed area with running water from faucet or safety shower for at least 5 minutes.
  • Remove contaminated clothing at once.
  • Make sure chemical has not accumulated in shoes.
  • Obtain medical attention, if necessary.
  • Report incident to supervisor.
Biological Spill on Body
  • Remove contaminated clothing.
  • Vigorously wash exposed area with soap and water for 1 minute.
  • Obtain medical attention, if necessary.
  • Report incident to supervisor.

Hazardous Material Splashed in Eye

  • Immediately rinse eyeball and inner surface 
    of eyelid water continuously for 15 minutes.
  • Forcibly hold eye open to ensure effective wash behind eyelids.
  • Obtain medical attention.
  • Report incident to supervisor.

Minor Cuts and Puncture Wounds

  • Vigorously wash injury with soap and water for several minutes.
  • Obtain medical attention.
  • Report incident to supervisor.


  • 伏在地上及滾動身體,使火種熄滅或使用安全花灑
  • 對傷者進行急救,同時通知保安組及保健處
  • 向上級報告有關情況


  • 把受污染的衣物除下
  • 若有需要,通知醫生
  • 向上級及大學輻射安全主任報告


  • 向受污染的部位大量沖水最少五分鐘
  • 把受污染的衣物立刻除下
  • 確定化學物品沒有留在身上
  • 若有需要,通知醫生
  • 向上級報告有關情況
  • 把受污染的衣物立刻除下
  • 以水及肥皂把受污染的部位沖洗
  • 通知醫生
  • 向上級報告有關情況


  • 立刻以清水清洗眼睛十五分鐘
  • 保持張大眼睛使有效地清洗眼睛
  • 通知醫生
  • 向上級報告有關情況


  • 以清水及肥皂清洗受傷部位
  • 通知醫生
  • 向上級報告有關情況


All work-related injuries must be reported to the University Safety Office within 24 hours, or the next working day, whichever comes first.

University Medical Service Office (UMSO) :  What to do in Case of Emergency?

所有工傷事故必須在 24 小時或下一個工作日內向安全事務處報告

大學醫務處: 遇到緊急事故時的應變措施

Mercury Spill Cleanup Guide
Mercury Spill Cleanup Guide

Mercury Spill Cleanup Guide

  1. Small Mercury (Hg) Spill – Approximate the quantity of the amount in thermometer or thermostat  

Spill Kits Required: Hg Absorbent (containing Zinc metal granular and citric acid), Hg vapour adsorbent (containing activated charcoal), or sulphur powder.  

    • Evacuate the affected area where.
    • Put on goggles, rubber or latex gloves.
    • Sprinkle sulphur powder or Hg Absorb over the spilled mercury, especially to the hard-to-access areas such as cracks, spray some water over the powder until wet. Then sprinkle a thin layer of mercury vapour adsorbent all over the area.
    • Cover the affect area with paper or cardboard, leave it overnight – mercury will react with the absorbent to form metal/mercury amalgam.
    • Pick up the amalgam by sweeping. Dispose the amalgam as Mercury Compound Waste (Contact USO).
    • Pick up any broken glass with forceps, and dispose as broken glass.
    • Any mercury metal remain in the broken devices should be drained out into a plastic container, cover with water, label and contact USO for disposal.


  1. Large Mercury (Hg) Spill –
    • Evacuate and isolate the area.
    • Contact the Security Unit (Ext.37999) and USO (Ext. 37958).


Note: If the spillage contaminate the equipment and is impossible to pick up the mercury, contact the USO.